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Mechanical Engineering Industrial Design Service

The PT Tensor team has been providing CAD, CFD, and FEA consultation services since 2013!

In this digital era, engineers utilize the principle of computer assisted design to fasten and streamline the design process or computer aided drawing specifically for detailing. The method has been used in the industry for decades along with numerical method for solving fluid, heat transfer, and structural analysis for product design to root cause analysis. PT Tensor is an Industrial design centre that facilitates engineers to boost company business with sophisticated software. Using simulation from the computerized design or digital prototype of the product, allows engineers to alter and test even a dozen or hundred variations within a design cycle.

Industrial design

Plastic Part Analysis

Computer Aided Design (CAD)

Our team has been providing consultation services for mechanical engineering and industrial design, including CAD Design, technical drawings, structural analysis (FAE Simulation), and fluid dynamics (CFD Simulation) analysis since 2013! From drafting, 3D rendering, and assembly animations, design for manufacturing, to detailed drawings for fabrication in production or workshop.

Our clients range from large corporations, and research institutions, to individuals for start-up companies. PT Tensor utilizes software with official licenses, ensuring safety for your commercial activities.

We also have a team of over a dozen engineers ready to handle tasks in parallel, with various specialties.

Finite Element Analysis (FEA)

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)

Thermal Analysis

Drop Test

Sound & Noise

Rubber/seal design

Mechanism design

Detailed Assembly Drafting

AR/VR modeling

Bill of material estimation

Detailed 2D drafting

3D Modeling and rendering

Mechanism Simulation

Design for fabrication

PT Tensor uses legal licenses of proprietary software:


Do not jeopardize your company’s reputation or research by using pirated software (Cracks) or student (free version) software for your commercial activities or academic publications!

The crackdown on pirated software users is becoming increasingly systematic. Fines imposed later could be more expensive than the cost of using the software license itself.

Use official licenses for your company, or choose consultants with official licenses to avoid significant risks in the future.

Do not hesitate to consult with us. With our team’s years of experience across various industries, we can provide input regarding the appropriate methods for the cases you are facing.